Thursday, October 29, 2009

Galloping Globalism ~ Bible Prophecy Today

Galloping Globalism ~ Bible Prophecy Today

What can I say? Well, I said it on Irk the Enemy

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Have you been IRKed yet?

I have another blog called Irk the Enemy. I got the name from a comment a friend made, "Smile! It IRKS the Enemy" I just thought it was a good concept for a blog.
A few of my friends contribute with me: bible studies, poetry, interesting emails or blog entries from elsewhere, even original rants about our political views (small govt, states rights, maximum liberty, low taxes, etc., not really party affiliated beyond that).

We have a bunch of readers in the US and Canada, not to mention 5 that popped up in Iran today, Australia, Malaysia, England, Ireland, Sweden, Spain, Singapore, Kenya and some other places too.

Come have a look


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

a trip to walgreens....

I left my razor in Georgia on a recent trip, so I went in search of a new one...
Apparently Gillette no longer makes the Sensor razor, though they still sell the blades. I had a coupon for a Gillette Fusion Power razor. Apparently it has a little motor inside that does something. The guy that helped me get the razor out of the locked case said he switched to that same razor from the sensor and really loved it. It was 9 PM and he had no stubble so I guess it works pretty well. I am still not real sure about motorized razor blades against my face, but I will give it a shot.
A smiley little teen age girl in cosmetics was walking by and said she would check me out. While I was standing at the counter I heard a familiar sound of rhythm blocks coming over the PA. I said "Magic Bus! I drove to California on that song." The girl's response was "Must have been a long song. They have been playing a lot of old songs lately and they all seem to be real long."
I am not sure what all of this means but I left the store with a sense of adventure, nostalgia and mirth, so I guess it was a good trip.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Riley Jean Thompson

Riley Jean Thompson was
born today at 1:50 this afternoon

8 lbs 1 oz

21 & 1/2 inches

apgars were 7 & 9

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Update: What I really did on my summer vacation

My wife has been gone for several weeks and I was planning on getting a lot of studying done, both programming and bible study, working out every day, getting projects done, etc. I really did have plans to do some really good stuff.

Unfortunately, my body had other plans. I got a nasty sinus infection that dripped down into bronchitis and basically knocked me out for 2 weeks. I only worked out once, at the start of the thing. Buzzy was disappointed too. I did not even walk him around the lake during the time. I barely got out of bed. One good thing came of this sickness: I quit smoking, mainly because I could barely breathe ;-)

I did not go to the MD for this but got some herbs and stuff from the health food store my chiropractor recomended. That helped some. I switched to taking goldenseal root/echinacea capsules and almost completely got over it. There is still a lingering sinus infection, thankfully not gushing, just a mild drip. I had an appointment for a six month checkup with my endocrinologist last week. He gave me some keflex, which I filled last night. Hopefully this will clear up the last of the problem.

I was able to do some light bible study while on my back. I watched slideshows from K house or listened to the audio on my mp3 player. After about 10 days I started feeling merely bad, rather than "may I please just die and get it over with". This allowed me to play with java some for an hour or two at a time. Eventually I got to feeling pretty good, besides the nagging dripping sinuses, and got some projects done. I fixed a chair that has been broken for months. My friend Dana came over and helped me get started. I let it stay clamped for a couple days and finished it yesterday. It is solid, even holding my big body.

I also played with Glassfish and Apache Tomcat servers. I am going to go with Glassfish to learn server based java stuff, simply because it is less hassle to mess with. Supposedly Glassfish is more versatile than Tomcat in the services it provides for. I dunno, all these things are a sheer cliff face I need to climb. It is like you need to know a hundred things just to write a hello world app with a servlet or what have you. It is going to be interesting.

Add to all this my daughter in law is going to have my first grand child some time real soon. That is going to stomp on my study time, but Hey! That's OK! I can't wait to be a grandfather!

y'all have fun!


Thursday, July 16, 2009

What I did on my summer vacation

I got up, looked for a job. Then I went and hung out in front of the drug store......I got up and looked for a job. I found a job: keeping people from hanging out in front of the drug store!

I wish it was a simple as a C&C character. I have a specific set of qualifications. That specific set is a little different from the requirements most employers have. Vax FORTRAN jobs are few and far between these days. That is what I have been doing for the last 12 years, so that is my area of comfort. I know I can do a good job at that, only nobody cares. I love messing with web pages and all, I can hold my own with Java, Python, PHP, MySQL, etc. I have little work experience with those languages, so I do not feel qualified to answer those ads.

I am doing some homework to address this. I am going through a Java applications book from school to get my feet wet. After that I plan to do some J2EE work. There are some things I just did not get when I was exposed to it on the job. No one really had time to work with me, answering my inane questions, so I have to just do it at home.

My wife is going away for a few weeks to take care of some out of town issues. Sounds like time for a programming party.

The last six weeks have been nice and relaxing, but I need to get serious and disciplined, both with job related and health related things. I have been doing some working out and swimming, battling kidney pain and sciatica. I nned to schedule the next 3 weeks to exercise every day, spend time working on learning skills and some time doing job search stuff. Yeah, discipline, that is my middle name. I get into something and lose track of time. "Thursday? I thought it was still Tuesday!!"

We will see how this works out.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama is number 44, finally

It was a nice ceremony. The speech was ok. I did not like the digs at the previous administration, but it is what the people wanted to hear.

I do not remember a media frenzy like this over an inauguration before. It is like they expect him to solve all the world's problems.

We will see how it turns out

Monday, January 19, 2009

Inauguration day tomorrow, oh boy!

Well. it is finally here. Obamma is going to be sworn in so he can age 20 years in the next 4. It is a tough job, but at least he will have a Congress that is of his own party. With any luck they will actually do the right thing together. With any luck the CHANGE he keeps talking about will include the congress starting to do the right thing. They did everything they could to mess up the country and blamed it all on the republicans. Oh well, that is how liberals work.

I have nothing against blacks or arabs. Obamma is actually more arab than black, but the media does not talk about that. Actually the media is treating Obama as if he is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Obama is not the messiah and I hope he realizes that. I wish him the best of luck. I hope he is able to accomplish all the positive things he promised.

I am kind of looking forward to a president that had to have his Blackberry pried form his hands. Obama is net oriented and supposedly will let the people have a say in things very the web. Works for me. The fact that our elected representatives have been more in tune with what lobbyists want than their constituents might be counteracted by more communication channels between the people and the government. Let's see how that works out.

My main worries are
  • how are the entitlement programs are going to be paid for
  • how much is the government going to grow to administer those programs
Obama is talking about lowering the tax burden on the middle class. Great! I am middle class. The problem with this is the middle class is what supports the federal government. Directly by the taxes they pay and indirectly by the taxes that are part of the price they pay for everything they buy. If the new plan is to tax the heck out of businesses they will just add the increased taxes to the price they charge for everything.

TANSTAAFL, man. There aint no such thing as a free lunch. Liberals do not believe that TANSTAAFL is a fact of the universe. They love to spend other people's money. "Share the wealth" is something they believe in, as long as it is not their wealth that is being shared.

Increased government programs means increased govenrment machinery. This machinery consists of new government workers. Workers mean supervisors, who need to be directed by directors, layer upon layer. Government loves to pile on layers of management. Government programs are by nature very inefficient, costing a significant portion of every dollar given out to administer the giving out. Don't forget the wonderful benefits packages that all government employees get. It is all paid for by YOUR tax dollars and hiher prices from OTHER's taxes they pass on to you.

Any government program also means more regulations to make sure the money is spent "properly". More regulations means more paperwork, more lawyers, you see where I am going with this. TANSTAAFL!

Do we need a bigger government? Not really.
Are we going to get it? Count on it.

The problem with a democracy is that we get the government we deserve. Historically, democratic forms of government work well until the people find out they can vote themsleves a free lunch. We moved whole heartedly into this phase with the New Deal. Is the New New Deal going to sink us completely? Only time will tell.

I really wish Mr. Obama all the luck in the world. I really hope that he manages to turn this country around. It is possible. It is possible that Santa Claus will help him out. Who knows? The laws of thermodynamics might even be repealed.

I really hope Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi cooperate with him. I really hope that the world cooperates with him. The world press seems to think he is the second coming of Christ. Maybe he is. I am not holding my breath on that one though.

y'all have fun!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Support Wikipedia

Wikipedia Rocks!

The button below is a good thing to click on. Wikipedia is a source of information that in the long run is free of bias and as broad as the internet.

Currently, many schools do not allow students to cite Wikipedia. The way I see it (as a recent student), this is due to jealousy from the traditional encyclopedia companies. A free source of information keeps people away from paid sources. Most paid sources also have paid PhD's on staff that write articles. Pay for writing an article does not equal interest in a subject. Interest leads to deep investigation and accurate reporting of a subject. On the Wikipedia more people than the one that gets paid are interested, and they all have their own viewpoints, this leads to a wider discussion and less bias in a mature Wikipedia article. There have been some deliberately misleading articles about celebrities and such, but that fortunately does not apply to technical subjects. I mean, when was the last time you heard about somebody making fun of Gadolinium or an internet RFC?

In short, Wikipedia rocks and deserves to be supported. Please drop a few bucks from your PayPal acccount by clicking the button below.

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