Apparently Gillette no longer makes the Sensor razor, though they still sell the blades. I had a coupon for a Gillette Fusion Power razor. Apparently it has a little motor inside that does something. The guy that helped me get the razor out of the locked case said he switched to that same razor from the sensor and really loved it. It was 9 PM and he had no stubble so I guess it works pretty well. I am still not real sure about motorized razor blades against my face, but I will give it a shot.
A smiley little teen age girl in cosmetics was walking by and said she would check me out. While I was standing at the counter I heard a familiar sound of rhythm blocks coming over the PA. I said "Magic Bus! I drove to California on that song." The girl's response was "Must have been a long song. They have been playing a lot of old songs lately and they all seem to be real long."
I am not sure what all of this means but I left the store with a sense of adventure, nostalgia and mirth, so I guess it was a good trip.